Simple Ways to Strengthen Your Awareness in the Present Moment

We’re hard-wired to think. It’s what makes us human. We can’t learn from our life experiences without thinking about the past and we can’t plan for life’s next adventures without thinking about the future. So, why is it so uncomfortable for some to simply exist in the present?

If today’s “you” is your only current reality, it makes perfect sense to just “be” and to be there for the one who is living in the here and now. That’s you! When you go from good to great, you’re taking care of your true self. Since we as humans have this incredible power to think, we also have the power to stay in the present moment, at least sometimes. Here are a few tips for becoming rooted in the present without obsessing over staying present.

Be Mindful

It’s natural for the mind to wander, but limiting the amount of time you spend thinking about the past and future and mostly trying to stay in the present is a healthy approach. You aren’t denying the past and future, you’re just choosing not to dwell there. Instead, you’re focusing on the now, without losing yourself to any of it.

Write It Down

When you wake up, if you have a lot on your mind, get it out on paper. It’s not an assignment, so you can jot down whatever you feel like writing about. You can simply write a list of tasks you want to accomplish for the day, or about a dream you had the night before, or what you are worried about that day. It’s a simple way to clear your head and get you started off on the right foot for the day.

Stretch It Out

Take to the yoga mat or a fuzzy rug—whatever makes you feel the most comfortable. There’s something soothing about using your body to focus on your breath and nothing else. Your breath is always there for you and now is your time to pay attention to it. Go through a few breathing exercises or yoga poses without bringing in restless thoughts. Listening to your body and breath on a daily basis will eventually get easier as you transition to the next activity.

Wander and Listen to a Meaningful Podcast

Take the opportunity to go on a mindful walk when you can throughout the day. Go to a scenic spot and notice the beauty around you. Engage your senses and see what it feels like to breathe, put one foot in front of the other, and listen to nature.

If a nature walk isn’t possible that day, stroll through your neighborhood and listen to a podcast that resonates with you by someone with a personal growth platform or listen to a meaningful book that you can enjoy in bite-sized chapters.

Seek Guidance

You don’t need to have all the answers in life. Sometimes you already know the answers and just need other people to confirm what you already know. A self improvement course may be a way to activate your intuition, help heal old traumas, or give you more confidence in problem-solving and decision-making, for example. It’s never a bad idea to listen to others with wisdom to share. After all, sometimes they can illuminate things you might not have thought of in that way yourself without guidance.

About Nadia Khalil

As a soul alignment activator, Nadia Khalil’s purpose is to help people understand their own roles in their lives. She uses self-love as the tool to help bridge people’s souls back to themselves. Her teachings guide people forward from a good to a great life, rather than one based on worry, fear, doubt, or confusion on how to live the life one dreams about living. Nadia is a distinguished author of three books, an international podcast host, and a lifestyle coach. She gives people powerful tools that begin the process of rediscovering their greatest potential.

Learn more about Nadia Khalil and her courses at


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