5 Thoughts About What Your Soul Does

The part of you that’s truly you is your soul.

It’s the essence of who you are and it lives on forever.

Your soul is why you are here right now.

When you’re in touch with its purpose, you realize why you are on this earth and it keeps you moving forward.

It’s the flicker or flame to your candle.

The soul is all of these things and so much more. It’s rather impressive to think about what the soul does. If you’re wanting to connect more deeply with your soul, consider the following tips.

Your Soul Is The Original You

International host of the “I Dig Your Soul Podcast” and lifestyle coach Nadia Khalil has written and spoken extensively on the soul. She explains that your soul is The Original You or the part of you that has always been there from the moment you were born. When you were a child, this was the part of you that was curious and adventurous, the little one who gave and received love so freely. This is the part of your soul that holds your most unique gifts to the world.

You Are Not Separate From Your Soul

As life progressed, you likely encountered painful or difficult experiences. Everyone did and does. You may have separated from your soul along the way as a result. You may have unknowingly taught yourself to quiet your inner voice as a defense mechanism. You may have shut it down to do what was necessary to survive. You may have quieted it because your responsibilities and obligations took precedence. But know you are not separate from your soul.

Souls Are Here to Grow

The discomfort you are feeling may be because you are disconnected from your soul. It’s those unhealed wounds from the past, or the current responsibilities on your plate, or future worries that are blocking you from your soul. In her online self improvement course, Nadia Khalil helps people bridge their souls back to them. Part of our job while on earth is to grow, learn more about, and figure out our souls.

Souls Thrive When We Ask Questions

Every single soul is different and presented with its own set of circumstances. Sometimes souls don’t know why they are drawn to certain things or why things happen. Sometimes souls know early on what they are meant to do. Humans thrive when they ask questions about their souls, instead of avoiding questions or answers. How incredible is it that we have the will to find out everything we can about ourselves? The learning never stops either.

Nurture and Feed Your Soul

It doesn’t matter what you are doing with your life as long as you’re doing it well and with good intentions. Keep doing what gives you joy and brings you passion. Nurture your gifts. Everyone has gifts to offer the world. When you listen to your intuition, your soul doesn’t fail you. Part of this means letting go of what no longer serves you.

About Nadia Khalil

Join Nadia Khalil on her personal growth platform, a place to explore her online courses, peruse her three books, read her blog, and learn about her story. Her down-to-earth teaching style and programs take people through a step-by-step transformation back to their souls. Self Love Inner Quest Online Course is an opportunity for people to tap into their inner wisdom, examine the unhealed parts of themselves, and discover their greatest strengths. Change can be difficult, but Nadia is a gifted facilitator who can help guide your future experiences to their fullest potential.

Learn more about Nadia Khalil and take her Self Love Inner Quest Online Course at Nadiakhalil.com



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