5 Thoughts About What Your Soul Does

The part of you that’s truly you is your soul. It’s the essence of who you are and it lives on forever . Your soul is why you are here right now . When you’re in touch with its purpose, you realize why you are on this earth and it keeps you moving forward . It’s the flicker or flame to your candle. The soul is all of these things and so much more. It’s rather impressive to think about what the soul does. If you’re wanting to connect more deeply with your soul, consider the following tips. Your Soul Is The Original You International host of the “I Dig Your Soul Podcast” and lifestyle coach Nadia Khalil has written and spoken extensively on the soul. She explains that your soul is The Original You or the part of you that has always been there from the moment you were born. When you were a child, this was the part of you that was curious and adventurous, the little one who gave and received love so freely. This is the part of your soul that holds your most unique g...