The Fine Art of Not Being So Busy All the Time

Have you ever noticed how some people run around like their hair’s on fire? Or, you ask someone how their life or week is going and they reply “so busy.” We’ve been taught that busyness is a good thing. It means we’re being productive members of society and that we are worthwhile humans—but the reality is we are worthy regardless . Our modern society has trained us to wear go-go-go busyness like a badge of honor. But what happens when you slow down every once in a while and choose mindful busyness instead? It may feel uncomfortable. It may feel like you’re being lazy. It may go against how you see yourself. Give it a try though and notice a new awareness unfold. Why Some People Feel They Need to Be Busy No one likes to feel bored or lonely, so they pack their schedule with as many things as possible to avoid those feelings. It’s an attempt to escape ourselves. But what if sometimes you block out time just for yourself? Time to do solo things like try a new recipe, go for a wa...