4 Tips for Improving Your Relationship with Yourself

You often hear that the most important relationship a person can have is the one they have with themselves. It’s true a statement! Have you checked in with yourself lately to see how that relationship is going? That may sound corny, but how you treat yourself and how you view yourself affects not only your well-being but every relationship in your life. Here are a few ideas for cultivating your most important relationship—the one with yourself. Know That Every Thought Doesn’t Deserve Your Attention If you gave merit to every single thought you had, you’d go mad. By choosing what you give attention to, you are in control. All of our thoughts aren’t always true either—so don’t let them take up valuable real estate in your mind. One way to improve your relationship with yourself is to determine whether the thought you are having is really a true statement. If you are predicting something about the future, for example, you don’t know if it’s true or not because it hasn...